14.5 was Kind of Like a Rocky Fight

Stay down, Chris! For the love of all that's good just stay down!

Stay down, Chris! For the love of all that’s good just stay down!

Now that was a particularly sucky WOD right there. But, really, with Thrusters and Burpees, how could it be anything else? There was truly nothing to do but battle through it. And battle everyone did.

Congratulations to all who participated in this year’s Open. You did great!

Thurpee Hell
Thrusters 95 lb./65 lb.
Bar-facing Burpees

I am certain that you are all glad that one is over with!

Once again, great job to all!

Spring Break is here and we are on our wacky schedule for the week. Please see this post for the class times this week (3/31 – 4/6).

1 reply
  1. alan
    Alan says:

    Great j o b everyone. We are proud of everyone who faced their fear and overcame the doubts to complete the Games. It’s good to test yourself every once in a while, and this was a good test.

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