crossfit wod sit ups toes to bar

A Break for Our Quads

And those who braved 13.3, you know how much we all needed this! So … in honor of the soreness that is/was 13.3, we’re having ribs. Wait, no. That’s a line from an old Simpsons episode. I meant, we’re doing this:

Max Effort:
Bench Press
4×10 (at 40% of 1RM)

Shoulder Press
4×10 (at 40% of 1RM)

3 rounds not for time
10 Toes to Bar
15 Russian Kettle Bell Swings 70 lb. (2 pood)/52  lb. (1.5 pood)
20 Sit Ups

crossfit wod sit ups toes to bar

Is it just me or does Olivia look like she’s trying really hard to decide whether or not she should stay on that bar?

If you did 13.3, be sure to get a little extra foam rolling and pain ball work on the quads and hamstrings this week … all week! Trust me.