Captain DUs, I Mean, America Wuz Here

WOW! Today we were visited by a super hero … Who knew? If we’re lucky we may get another superhero to visit us soon …

For once, none of you can complain to us coaches about the WOD. Why, you may ask? Well, you all picked the exercises! Don’t hate on us for your choices now :).

In Teams of Two
10 Snatches 95 lb./65 lb.
30 Toes to Bar
50 Pull Ups
70 Sit Ups
100 Box Jumps
200 Double Unders
40 Push Press 95 lb./65 lb.
30 Deadlifts 225 lb./135 lb.
20 Turkish Get Ups 36 lb./ 24 lb.
10 Snatches 95 lb./65 lb.

Ah, the lonely life of the turkish getup ... notice how Wendy's partner has left her to do all 20 by herself. Bad Jenny ... I mean Bad Wendy's partner.

Ah, the lonely life of the turkish getup … notice how Wendy’s partner has left her to do all 20 by herself. Bad Jenny … I mean bad Wendy’s partner.

Good stuff!