The Catch Up Post and a New Enemy

After our weekend of Olympic Lifting awesomeness, we have been pretty wiped out and slow to blog. So much new information to process … it’s hard but oh-so-fun! Here’s a catch-up of the week that were and remember that if you’re upset about today’s workout, blame Joanie. Can’t believe she made you all do Thrusters and Toes to Bar. Evil. Just evil.

Olympic Lifting
Smolov, Jr.
Week 3, Day 3
8x 4 @ 80%

Strength  & Conditioning
9 Minute AMRAP
6 Pull Ups
6 Plyo Push Ups
9 Leg Levers
9 Box Jumps 24″/20″

Smolov, Jr.
Week 3, Day 4
10x 3 @ 85%

10 Minute EMOM
6 Sumo Deadlifts @ 45% of 1RM
6 Burpees

Olympic Lifting
Warm Up
3x 3 Squat to Press
3x 3 Clean Pull Unders
3x 3 1 Clean High Pull -> 1 Hang Clean

Clean Drills
Clean Pulls
Clean High Pulls
Romanian Deadlift -> Hang Clean

Jerk Drills
Jerk from Eyes
Press in Split Jerk

Strength  & Conditioning
Thrusters 95 lb./65 lb.
Toes to Bar

Rest 3 minutes

200 meter row
25 Russian Kettle Bell Swings 71/53

Still pissed off about the Thrusters and Toes to Bar? No problem … just be like Nike. Nike don’t care. Nike got things to do.

Nike Don't Care!

Cutest. Puppy. Ever.

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