“CrossFit Math Is Hard”

said Jenny this morning as she tried to decode the MetCon. Fine, that wasn’t really a direct quote but, you get the gist of it :).

And a special message to all you Dads out there …

This applies to both Lindsay and Aimee ... they're stronger than most Dads (and non-Dads and other regular humans) ... cannot wait to meet the little ones!

This shirt’s slogan applies to both Lindsay and Aimee … they’re stronger than most Dads (and non-Dads and other regular humans) … cannot wait to meet our new CrossFitters!

2 Presses (Shoulder)
5 Weighted Sit Ups

2 Minutes
7 Push Press [75 lb./45 lb.]
7 Russian Kettle Bell Swings [70 lb./52 lb.]
7 Push Ups

If you complete the 3 rounds in under 2 minutes,
AMRAP Toes to Bar until the 2 minutes is up

Rest 1 Minute

Repeat 3 times

That was a super fun, fast and furious WOD!

P.S. Keep an eye out in the Plaindealer (this week or next) for an article on CrossFit and Hypoxia in particular!