Holiday weekend

Sunday is the fourth of July.  With all of the town festivities, we will not have our park workout, but will resume our regularly scheduled classes Monday morning.

In the meantime, many gym members will be represented at the waterfights this year.  Be sure to get out and cheer for all of them.  Glenn and Ruth, Pacie and Mel, and Tammy and Porn Star.  Should be fun for all.

And just so you are aware, some former Ouray residents decided it would be fun to change the rules for the parade.  You know, fun stuff like no water coming from the parade to the crowd, or from the crowd to the parade.  And even more fun stuff like not throwing candy from the parade vehicles to the kids, only from people walking in the parade.  Perhaps we can have a new Dr. Suess book?  A sequel to the Grinch, maybe?  Be sure to not have any fun during the parade this year, all.  Predator or Prey: Which are You?

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