Holy Girlpile Batman

Check out Jason Nelson on the main website, CrossFit.com. Many of you met Tim Banfield when he was here and he took a bunch of pics of Jason climbing and here is one of the shots. Enjoy the pic and check out Tim’s site and see some of his other work.

Today is mobility day. Pic a few weaknesses and work on them. Pain ball on your shoulders, Adductors, quads, hips. If you are ailing, work on it. If you’re perfect…work something anyway. Get better organized as an athlete and make yourself better. If you have something that is not getting better or you need some more work, then ask around and see a professional to get some help. We have some excellent body workers and medical professionals with whom we have relationships and that can be helpful for you. Ask us, ask your team mates…get help if you need a little more.

AMBAP 15 minutes
As Many Burpees As Possible in 15 minutes.


Best line of the morning….”I knew I should have stayed in bed.” Another gem from Mel.