How Many Toes to Bars?

A whole friggin’ lot! 100 actually. Now, that’s how you get 6-pack abs … well, that and a good diet, regular fitness, lots of core work, and … you get the idea.

Warm Up:
12 Deadlifts / Box Steps
12 Good Mornings / Mountain Climbers
12 Romanian Deadlifts / Squats

*While one partner does the reps for the first exercise, the other does as many reps of the second exercise as possible. So, if Joe is doing 12 deadlifts, then Jane, his partner, is doing as many box steps as she can while Joe does the 12 deadlifts.

Hip flexor on wall
PNF Hamstring
Shoulders on bands
Pain ball vs. feet and shoulders

5 Deadlifts 315 lb./225 lb.
15 Box Jumps 24″/20″
20 Toes to Bar
25 Push Ups

That's a lot of freaking weight on that bar, Mike!

That’s a lot of freaking weight on that bar, Mike!

Now, that was a hard one!

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