Max Effort != P.R.


One of things that really sunk in for my at our Outlaw Training Camp is the difference between a max effort (ME) and a personal record (PR). To keep it fairly short and spare you all my excessive babbling, when we want you to go for a max effort, that does not mean you will (necessarily) get a PR. What we’re looking for is this: go as heavy as possible and as hard as possible. If you get a PR, AWESOME! If not, AWESOME!

Notice how there’s no difference in the AWESOMEness of either a PR or ME? It’s because there isn’t. The effort is the key. Trust us … go all out when we tell you to, and you will see fantastic gains.

Today’s WOD, Lynne, is a great example of what max effort is all about. Go as heavy as possible for as many as possible. Did you struggle to get 1 single bench press? Perfect! That’s better than 10 reps at too light of a weight.

Max Reps – Bodyweight Bench Press
Max Reps – Pull Ups

There is no rest between the bench press and the pull ups but you may take a rest between your rounds.

Want More?
18 Snatches @ 65% of 1RM, starting from 2″ off the ground.

Lifting Class:
10x 3 HBBS (high-bar back squat)

1a 5 std pull ups
1b 10 triceps extension

Then …
Three times, max reps bandbell bench press with three weights on each side