Mobility Unders?

Mobility Day at Hypoxia!

Judging from the copious groans and moans, we all needed this pretty badly. I know I did.

Warm Up:
10 Push Ups
10 Squats with PVC on spine

25 minutes of foam rolling, pain ball crunching, stretching and yapping at each other … good stuff!

Skill Work:
10 minutes of Double Under practice.

Big shout out to Wendy and Big John, both of whom started crushing their DUs last night and today. Way to go you two!

Wish I had double unders (mumble, grumble, bitch, moan).

Open Gym is ON tomorrow at 11:30 (Wed. 12/19).

2 replies
  1. Wendy
    Wendy says:

    Thanks Craig. We’ll see if it holds up. Must be the new rope and the expert pointers from the DU master Alan. Good job John!!

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