One down, five to go

We are through one week of our nutrition challenge.  Can you vocalize your goal?  What is your why?  Whatever it is, write it down in your food log so you know why you are giving up certain foods and drinks you think you cannot live without.

We know you can.  And remember that we are not suggesting that you are adopting the guidelines for the food challenge for the rest of your life.  We are eating strictly for only six weeks to clean up the foods we eat and to improve the quality of what we eat.  Hopefully, we will feel better, look better, and perform better.

Also remember, you may see a dip in your performance during the first few weeks.  Fear not!  You are changing your fuel and your body will object at first.  This will pass.

Keep up the good work and be strong.  It’s only six weeks…and only five are left.

Deadlift – 5-5-5


Max dead hang pull ups – three sets

What the?

What the?

3 replies
  1. PornStar
    PornStar says:

    I, for one, can already SEE and FEEL a difference… even these minute results are well worth the sacrifice: To be faster, skronger AND bikini worthy!! Hypoxia ROCKS!!

  2. admin
    admin says:

    In support of what Alan said…When I was cooking for folks with food allergies and yeast candida issues they would really feel bad the first couple weeks from yeast die off. Head aches, digestive stuff, almost flu like symptoms. It passed though…so if your feeling crappy just hang in there.

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