
There are all types of parameters to measure is CrossFit. We usually measure time or load, and sometimes both. Today we did a WOD that allowed for different parameters of movement. Typically here at Hypoxia, we only allow the strictest of movements. Hips and shoulders on the ground on abmat sit ups. No kipping on knees to elbows. But the reality is that there are several different ways to do movements, and the correct way on any given day is to do it within the parameters that are set for that day.

So today we changed things up a bit. We kipped our knees to elbows. We allowed a hip release and arm bend on our abmat sit ups. We did our pushups with a hand release. Our box jumps with the hip extension on the box. Some of these changes made for faster movements (the sit ups and KTE) and some slowed down the movement (box jump and pushups). The key in all this is understanding that there are lots of ways to do things, and we need to be good at all of them. But don’t go thinkin that we are going to allow you to throw those arms and lift those hips on sit ups all the time!