Skiing in Telluride and Muscle ups

It’s on. Come one, come all. We have rumors that members and non-members are joining us on Friday to go over the hill and get some turns in Telluride. So, here are the details.

We are leaving the gym immediately after class and meeting at the bottom of lift four at 10:15. From there…we ski. Then…we ski. Then…we eat, have a drink, and ski some more.

So what started as a “hey, we should all go ski,” is now, “grab your stuff and let’s go ski.”

Bring your gear. See you tomorrow for our regularly scheduled Fun-fest!


To celebrate Craig’s muscle up and our quest to get them, run on over here to the Outlaw site and check out the analysis of a bad muscle up and a really, really good one. Keep in mind…in our gym, we will NOT be chasing kipping muscle ups prior to achieving a strict muscle up first. This is a gym rule…PERIOD. Novice muscle uppers tend to be so amazed at the first muscle up that they fall through the top and risk shoulder injury. Thus, the reason to understand the mechanics of a good strict muscle up first, prior to attempting a kipping one. So…enjoy the training and instruction, and get ready to muscle up. And ski.
