The Coaches Won’t Let Me Play with Them!

This is Shawn's sad, "the coaches won't let me play with them" face. It's kind of fun.

This is Shawn’s sad, “the coaches won’t let me play with them” face. It’s kind of fun.

Poor Shawn. Didn’t get to do a workout at 7 with the idiots coaches. I don’t know what he’s sad about … that workout sucked.

This workout, however, was the bomb.

Lifty Lifty
60 High Bar Back Squats
50% of 1RM (in as few sets as possible)

10 minute AMRAP
5 Handstand Push Ups
10 Pistols
15 Pull Ups

Ok, maybe not “the bomb” … I mean 15 pull ups in a round is just dickish. Hate Mary. She sucks.

Also, yoga is dumb.

Just sayin’.

1 reply
  1. alan
    alan says:

    It was so much fun to see Shawn make this face. The best thing about Shawn’s demeanor is that he wanted additional work he thought was more rigorous than the regularly scheduled workout. Woohoo. Great job Shawn.

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