The Good and the Bad

Mobility: hips, shoulders

It’s deload week on our four big lifts, at 40%, 50% and 60% of our one rep max.  We are ending our third cycle of this linear progression and over the next five weeks we will be pushing hard on the lifts before we re-test our one rep max.  Sweet!

Press: 5-5-5

Then: (and it is big fun!)


Roll up squats, ball slam, and spiderman push ups.

And as evidenced in the following pics, we see the good:And then the bad:Aimee!  GET YOUR SHOULDERS DOWN, Silly!

And:You will notice Josh (trying to hide in the background) imitating a pooping dog.  Stand up straight, shoulders down, goodness gracious!  And don’t try this one, “well, I was in mid-movement.”  No way, mister.  Check out the position of the lovely ladies in the foreground.  No sign of a pooping dog other than just above your shoes.

Please note that the author is imminently qualified to point out the form flaws above as he is VERY guilty of both.  So, no excuses.