This is where the hard work happens…

Inside this door. Inside this building.


With a bunch of great people.

Today is a rest day from the gym, for most of us, but what for what are you preparing. An event? An activity? A job? Life?

It’s easy to lose focus on our objectives, sometimes, and when we do, a meandering happens. Aimlessness.

Tomorrow, we benchpress, heavy. A one rep max attempt, most likely, PR’s will result. During the previous three weeks, our focus has been the benchpress with a goal of moving more weight than previously moved.

And next, we focus on our nutrition. Eating according to a specific program with the goal of…what? Better health? Lighter weight? Looking better naked?

Only you know. The more clearly you define your objective, the more likely you will meet your goal. The more likely you will achieve the impossible. What is possible? Lots of things.

Remember, there was a day when flying was impossible.

What are your goals?