
Got Turns?

Got Turns?

Got limited days in the backcountry?  Make all the turns you can.  Get them all in during one run if you can.  🙂

Today’s workout:

Squat 5-5-5, then:

AMRAP in 10 minutes: 5 x SDLHP 95/135, 7 x burpee box jumps at 24″ box.

Good job today guys.  We are entering our third week of the nutrition challenge.  Most of you have felt a bit off for a few days.  If you are strictly sticking to the challenge, you will be moving to better times in the next few days.  Hang in there.

A few dates to note on your calendar.  Saturday, February 27 at 11 am we will be having another Western Slope Affiliate Gathering at CrossFit Agoge in Montrose.  Clear your schedule and be there.  Then, Sunday, February 28 at 5 pm, we will be having another Paleo Potluck dinner.  This time we will be having it at the gym.  Sweet, more food!