A Whole New Program

Can you smell it yet?

During the next six weeks, we will be continue to be better looking, more prosperous, and generally better people by squatting and deadlifting, because that’s just what we do. However, you will note an endurance goal by the moderate weight and high reps of these exercises.

So don’t be afraid, just embrace it. We are preparing for the winter outdoor season that so many of us embrace “around these parts, here.” Embrace the suck.

Warm up
Sit ups
Push ups
Begin warming up to 65% Front Squat

Hip flexor on wall
Shoulders on bands

3×6 Front Squat at 65% of one rep max

Push ups
Double unders

Anyone else feel like their chesticles were going to lock up?

And in our Weightlifting class…We just continue to get sKronger on our march toward total world domination.

See you tomorrow.