Cleans? Run? Yep!

We have done power cleans and squat cleans on successive days.  Link to the video above and watch Chris and Mike struggle through heavy cleans.  Although they struggled, the stress of wanting to get it done made them both learn how to catch the heavy weight.  This stress works for some athletes.  Watch, cringe, and enjoy this achievment.  Whew, this one leaves a mark.

Today’s workout:

10 squat cleans, run 200m, 8 squat cleans, run 200m, 6 squat cleans, run 200m, 4 squat cleans, run 200m, 2 squat cleans, run 200m.img_2020img_2017img_2023img_2008

3 replies
  1. chris
    chris says:

    man oh man…i remember this workout like yesterday…and every time i watch it still gets my heart pumpin. thanks for bringin up old shi+! hope you guys are doing good…wish you guys could be here to support us this weekend 🙁

  2. solista
    solista says:

    That was an epic moment of my crossfit life. It is the perfect example of evolution during a workout. I had never attempted 225# before the start of the wod. By the end I was different.
    The sequel is coming this summer.

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