4 replies
  1. tammy
    tammy says:

    Elijah 4:39
    Pinky 5:11
    Mel 6:40/ 65#
    Joanie 6:02/65#
    Susie 5:49
    Phylis 6:41
    Dee 4:19
    RickyBobby 4:25
    Elizibeth 5:43
    PornStar 5:40
    Kelly 4:33
    Whitney 6:58
    Lavonne 5:18
    Luke 5:37/65#
    Lori 5:48
    Xtracredit 5:56
    Nancy N. 5:36
    Katie 6:09
    Karen 7:20
    CareBear 6:15
    Steph 7:54

    Alan 12:08/95#
    Clint 10:50/95#
    Tinkerbell 10:43
    Tammy 14:24/65#
    Cruise Director 12:10
    Darcy 14:07/65#

  2. Mel
    Mel says:

    If you workout when you are sick you WILL feel worse before you feel better. And, don’t fall when you are doing box jumps. You will end up doing the rest of the reps with rocks in your underwear…

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