

Moving heavy weight!  Watch this video and look where the bar travels relative to the body,  hip speed and power, and how fast the transition from the top of the pull to the getting under the bar happens.  Amazing!

Elizabeth, 21-15-9

135#/95# cleans

ring dipsimg_1362img_1361img_1356img_1358

3 replies
  1. Faith
    Faith says:

    “The winner ain’t the one with the fastest car, it’s the one that refuses to quit.”
    Dale Earnhardt

    Seemed appropriate for Elizabeth and those that struggled, but perservered, with the heavy weight!

  2. lisR
    lisR says:

    wow. that was so inspiring and beautiful…there’s so much we can do with our bodies..it’s just amazing. alan, how much weight were they moving?

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