Fast, Furious, Friday, Fun

That’s right, kids. Simple and effective. From the doctor’s orders, did you pick up some heavy $#(% today? If not, get on board and pick it up!

And a schedule change. For the rest of June, we will discontinue our Tuesday and Thursday evening class. We will continue having the Monday night Olympic lifting class for those of you who want to be more awesome than your friends by having the ability to confidently show off your snatch and your clean and jerk. For your regularly scheduled awesomeness, you’ll just have to get it in the morning. School is out and the weather is nice. And the days are getting long. Summer solstice anyone?

Stay tuned as we will be adding a class in July.

Deadlift 225/135
Ring dips

And if you need support during your warm up, don’t be afraid to bring your own cheering section. Thanks, Aspen for helping with our handstands.