10 replies
  1. Temple
    Temple says:

    Dear Spidey, Faith and Tammy,

    Speaking of power cleans…

    70% of the time I feel my power cleans are 95% on. Thanks for the great coaching and patience. I’ve made a lot of progress over the past 7 months and it is due to you guys. Thanks for the dedication to keep improving yourself to be the best you can be, we all benefit.

    OK…enough if the niceities. I will be back to my sarcastic self in future post.

    Temple of Cocoa Butterliciuosness

  2. alan
    alan says:

    Dang! Actually, I think I’m pulling under the bar. But you may be right. And I may be Darcy’s bitch. 🙂

  3. Darcy
    Darcy says:

    Hey guys, I’ve heard behind every strong woman are a few good man-bitches! Thanks Chris and Alan for making me feel so special. Oh, by the way Alan, I was just joking, I could probably learn something from that photo.

  4. Temple
    Temple says:

    “a few good man-bitches” that is the funniest thing I have ever heard. I am laughing my ass of. You rock!

  5. alan
    alan says:

    Darcy, you are one of the toughest, nicest…and did I say toughest? People I have ever met. Thanks for being part of the family. Man-bitch. That’s funny.

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