Holy Moly!

Big numbers today from everyone really pushing the envelope.  Great effort.  Perhaps even better was the attention to detail on your form.  As you know but may not remember all the time, our PRIMARY CONCERN when we work out is form.  The better your form, the better your workout, the stronger you get, the more durable you get, and the less likely you are to get an injury.

Speaking of injury, are you aware that for safe sports like running, the yearly injury rate is something ridiculous close to 75%?  Pretty safe, eh?  Soccer injuries are high approaching the same numbers.  Sports like olympic weightlifting are in the single digits.

So, CrossFit hurts people, right?  Wrong.  People with bad form hurt people.  People with bad coaching causes injuries.  Failure to focus on your work causes injuries.  Sometimes we focus more on the clock than form and this is where potential injuries occur.  Don’t be an injury.  Listen to your coaches and focus on your form.

Want to know what a 155 pound sumo deadlift looks like?

That’s right.  Julia picked up a 155 pound sumo deadlift.  She advised that she was a future Queen of Badassistan and wanted to make sure we were all aware…ok, we may have made that up.  However, recognize that Julia was able to accomplish this at a young age because she is motivated and easy to coach.  Great job, Julia, you are more awesomer every day.

Warm up: two times, not for time
row 200 m
100 jump rope
5 knee jumps
10 push ups
10 squats

rollie ball on your feet, PNF stretch on your hammies

1 rep max sumo deadlift

Then: Four rounds for time of:
15 sit ups
10 pull ups
15 box jumps 24/20