3 replies
  1. tammy
    tammy says:

    Alan 18;47
    Kevin 24:10
    Joanie 25:20
    Mel 26:25
    Heather 29:00
    Tammy 30:25
    Tinkerbell 32:10
    PornStar 33:44
    Elijah 32:36
    Luke 32:41
    Lori 32:45
    Darcy 32:30
    Lil Mikie 32:30
    Young Ben 33:00
    Lavonne 37:00
    Michelle 35:06
    Faith 35:54
    Cruise Director 37:27
    Katie 39:27
    Nancy G. 34:35
    There were a few times that didn’t get posted…gotta write your times on the board!

  2. tammy
    tammy says:

    Did someone accidentally pick up a blue yoga matt??? If ya did please bring it to Hypoxia in the morning…thanks!

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