
Here we are again.

Don’t forget our Olympic lifting class tonight at 5:30. For a small additional charge you get about two hours a week extra working on the skill required to successfully perform the Olympic lifts. We’ve been having fun with it and great success. Give it a whirl and get better at this skill.

Mobility is shoulders. Work with the pvc pipe, bands, and pain ball. Enjoy and get some self therapy and organization.

One rep max shoulder press. Compare with July 25, 2011.

plyo push ups
push press 55/75
sit ups

Again, another day of PR’s, especially from those who have participated in our powerlifting classes. We are using programming suggested by Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell in our daily routine and for those wanting extra, in our powerlifting program. The goal here is to get stronger and more durable in everything we do. If you don’t know who Louie is, you should do a search and read about him and his accomplishments personally and professionally. We were able to be at Westside Barbell in Columbus, Ohio and learned about his methods and how he would combine CrossFit programming to make us the best athletes we can be. It definitely works.

Our test group has now completed 18 weeks under this direction. If you haven’t been part of the program and want the increased results, ask us and we’ll get you involved. If you’re not sure, ask one of our lab rats and they can tell you their experience. If the time is not your favorite time of day, say so, and if we can get a few more bodies, we can add another powerlifting class to our schedule.

Great work today.