Mike, Version 2.0

Compliments of Mike.  Love it or hate it, just do it.

10 minutes, AMRAP

1 pull up, 3 push ups, 5 squats.

Rest 1 minute

10 minutes, AMRAP

3 pull ups, 6 push ups, 9 squats

Rest 1 minute

10 minutes, AMRAP

5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats

Rest 1 minute, AMRAP

10 pull ups, 20 push ups, 30 squats.

Your score is total number of rounds.

Congrats to Extra Credit.  She officially has pull ups, and all pull ups today were real pull ups.  Way to go EC.  Your hard work has paid off.  Now go get something else!  Savor the feeling of accomplishment, but don’t be satisfied.  We all have more.mike-005mike-011mike-014mike-029

2 replies
  1. lisR
    lisR says:

    that sounds like one we could try on our trip…i’m sure we will get lots of funny looks from the locals!
    jenny – you and your pull ups looked great sunday!! way to go girl!

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