Oh, yeah!

Jeff Tucker was in town this weekend for the CrossFit Gymnastic Certification.  We had 23 participants from the state, the region, and even someone from across the pond (that would be the Atlantic Ocean).

We cannot wait to share more of the fun we learned and reinforced this past weekend.  If you have the chance to do this certification….take it.  Jeff is awesome.  He is a great guy with a wide variety of experience: firefighter, bull rider, gym owner, gymnastic coach at TCU.  Best of all, Jeff is a great dude and we were fortunate to have him here.  We were also lucky to have had John Brown of CrossFit Agoge here as one of the coaches for the certification.

Jeff was able to put into words the feelings we get when we get around a group of friends who are kindred spirits and we wanted to share it with you.  “When I walk into a CrossFit gym, I feel like I can breathe.”  Hell, yes.

Thank you, Tucker.

For our members who live here, you will not be surprised to hear that many who visited said the same thing many of us did.  “I’d really like to live here.  Really.”  Shocker?  Not for us.  We live in paradise and we are thankful, every day.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Press     5-5-5


Strict pull ups, not for time    70


4 replies
  1. Laurie
    Laurie says:

    It was so awesome to be surrounded by so many dedicated and talented people this weekend. I feel blessed to be a part of it all. I felt so hopeful and happy to see these young ‘kids’ aspiring to be trainers and opening their own boxes.
    People occasionally comment to me that CrossFit is just a trend.
    If it is a trend, what better trend to be a part of? You can look back in 20 years and say “wow, I took really great care of myself back then…” or “Holy crap was I badass!” I certainly don’t believe it is a ‘trend’ and I like to think that some of it will stick with anyone who chooses to have a taste of the Kool-Aid. CrossFit has truly changed -my- life. Yeah, it’s not for everyone, but if you get it, you get it. Hell Yes. This community rocks.
    Thank you, Alan, Faith and Tammy.

  2. alan
    alan says:

    You, Laurie is why this works and why we do it. We are part of a community of like minded people, looking for limits, and changing our own lives through our drive and hard work. Trend? Fad? I don’t think so. I have heard Olympians suggest that during the next decade, you will be hard pressed to find an Olympic level athlete not using CrossFit training methods. True or not, that speaks volumes about what we do. You met gym owners, first responders, and military who use the same methods you use. That is totally bad ass!

    And, yes, our community rocks. Because you, Laurie, rock.

    Rock on!

  3. Mouse Durgin
    Mouse Durgin says:

    We ran off in the dead of night to outrun the weather, cross the Sierras, and chase some 50 foot waves. I’m missing my workouts! See you in a week or few.

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