Rest Day


Use your rest as a vehicle to get better, faster, and stronger.

Our nutrition challenge is soon upon us.  Who is participating?  Be ready for some very visible changes if you are in.

A quick note of congratulations is due for some recent accomplishments.  Khris and Porn Star (along with Boyfriend) recently attended their Level I certification in Golden.   They are now armed with more information about form, programming, and some of the how’s and why’s of our training methods.

Lori, Faith, and Tammy attended the Gymnastic Certification  with Jeff Tucker we hosted at our gym this past weekend.  Handstands, tucks, inversions, ring work, muscle ups, kipping….plus a whole lot more.  This certification is quite valuable as gymnastics is quite simply, your body moving through space.  We have lots of fun work on the horizon.

Great job, guys.