Rest Day


Remember the three things we ask all new members?  Maybe?  Maybe not?

We know our fitness regime works.  But we also know you are partially responsible for how well it works.  That’s why we ask all new members to agree to the same three conditions.

First, you must agree to be consistent in showing up for the workouts.

Second, you must agree to work hard: probably harder than you have ever worked than your life.  A dramatic request?  We think not because we know what is involved in showing up and making improvements.

And third, you must agree to consider our dietary recommendations.

Eventually, not paying attention to your food will cause the third leg of the stool to fall over.  Your progress will stagnate.  Right away?  Of course not.

Can you workout hard and not do anything to improve your diet?  Sure you can.  And you can excell.  Many do.  However, you cannot reach your full potential without improving the fuel you put in.

Robb Wolf recently asked three top perf0rmers to try switching to the Paleo diet and explained it would make a difference.  What kind of difference are you trying to make if you already have a huge CrossFit Total number and a sub 2:30 minute Fran time?  Seconds?  Absolutely.

Guess what?  All three switched and all three made improvements.  Happenstance?  Absolutely not!  They made strict improvements in their nutrition plan, and they got results.  Is this limited to top performers?  Absolutely not!  For those of us not near the limit of human performance, the increases are bigger and occur faster.

CrossFit advocates utilizing the Zone Diet and differring versions of the Paleo Diet.  Need more information?  Just ask us.  Or do some research on your own.

Can it make a difference for you?  Without a doubt.  Here’s the caveat.  Your hard work on how consistent you show up, on how hard you work, and how strict you adhere to changing your nutrition to achieve peak performance will directly affect how you look, how you feel, and how you perform.

We are primarily concerned with your fitness.  In the gym, we focus on form, reps, and time.  We take care of the programming.  We take care of providing the proper amount of encouragment through yelling, snide remarks, and genuine care about your form and ability to push through to the end.

How big of a difference do you want to make in your food?  Well, that’s up to you.  We can encourage you.  Will you be perfect?  We aren’t and don’t expect that you will either.  Is that okay?  Absolutely!

We don’t expect that everyone will do all three.  And that’s okay.  It depends on your goals.

The harder you work, the more consistently you work hard, and the more attention you pay to what fuel you put in your engine, the better your results!

Everyone can do this, but not everyone will.

Go Kill your Coward.