Rest Day…Or Not…Again

Looks like winter is here and there is plenty of ACTUAL shoveling to perform.  On other gym websites occasionally we see “virtual shoveling” performed with a barbell.  Pffffft!  Why do that when you can do the real thing?

A few quick items of interest today.

First, we have just a few more days of the first phase of our nutrition challenge.  Be strong and strict for a few more days.  We will have a brief meeting after the workout Sunday to go over the next 28 days and how we are making slight modifications to what we are already doing.  If you didn’t opt in for the first phase, you can jump right in to this portion and make some changes in your food that will help you look better, feel better, and perform better.  Don’t make excuses, make improvements.

Second, we will be starting a one day a week running drill class.  Our class is designed to help you learn better form so you are faster and more efficient when the snow and ice are no longer on the ground and you will run better.  Contrary to the belief in the running world, running is not “something you just do,” it is a skill that you learn, much the same way you learn to snatch or clean.  We have a list on the board where you can write down your day and time preference.  The cost will be nominal and the results will be worth it as you learn better technique.  Alan and Faith are both CrossFit Endurance certified and Alan is a POSE Method Running Technique Specialist trained by Dr. Nicolas Romanov, the inventor of the POSE running method.  Take this opportunity to be better at something else.

Finally, we have a new challenge for February.  December was  double unders and January was rowing 500 meters.  February will have us rowing 1000 meters for time.  Take the month to improve your rowing stroke skill.  Your time may not immediately decrease as you work on your technique, but stick with practicing your form will yield  improvement.  Remember that the same applies to rowing as it does with your other exercises: form, speed, weight.  Don’t skip the progression and you will see improvement.  You have until Sunday to post your 1000m time on the board and then get to work on improving.

Be awesome today…and every day.  It’s a choice and you are in charge.