
Really? Both of them?

Yes, both.

Mobility: sit in a squat for one minute, drive your knees out and open your hips.

50 Thrusters 45/65
50 Sit ups
50 Push ups
Five rounds of:
10 Thrusters
10 Sit ups
10 Push ups

Interesting workout today and a good experiment…if you paid attention.

Suzann went in for a little clean up of her meniscus and came out with microfracture surgery on the end of her femur. Did she miss a day? Only one, and she was having surgery that day. Notice in the picture above that we now have a handicap accessible workout space as designated by the crutches. Way to perservere, Suzann. If anyone can help out, please do. Common household chores, food preparation…and door opening…are appreciated. Way to stick with it!

And finally…did you get your box squats today? If not, you are not getting as strong as you can, and why would you not want to be strong? Probably the same reason you wouldn’t want to eat bacon…you’ve lost your mind!

Get Strong…Eat Bacon!

1 reply
  1. Suzann
    Suzann says:

    Thanks to everyone for helping me set up my workouts, etc. I hope you are still so helpful when I get to the 5th and 6th week of this ordeal! I know my patience will be low by then.

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