Thursday, and a revised schedule

It’s been a week of girls. What will tomorrow bring? Hmmmm. Kinda makes you wonder, but it won’t do any good to guess.

Warm up:
The Bear, three times

Work a weakness.

Double unders
Sit ups

Telluride Gymnastics and CrossFit is having their fun outdoor race this weekend beginning at 11:00 on Saturday Morning. Call Teresa and Andrew at 728-4622 and register for the fun. The race is with a two person team and only $10 per person. Don’t delay and don’t miss the fun. Get outside and have some fun.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but the next few days will have a slightly modified schedule.

Friday – 6am class only
Sunday – 10 am at the Park
Monday – 6 am class, 4:30 kids class, 5:30 Olympic lifting class

If your regular class is not available for a day, try another class and see some of your team mates during a different time of day. Not only is it fun, it is good for you. One of the reasons CrossFit is so effective is our use of the constantly varied principle when programming time, reps, and exercises. Increase your fitness by mixing up the time of day you work out as well.

Get some, Go again!