
Yep, that’s right!

Complete your regular warm up and spend some time on the rower just working on your stroke.  Use your torso to create momentum and finish with your arms.  Although one of our goals is to decrease our 500 meter row, just gripping it and ripping it is not our best method for improvement.  Becoming more efficient and better organized is our preferred method.  Get some!

Mobility: pnf stretch hammy and quad.  Then shoulders on the bands.

Workout: 100 pull ups for time.

Then 1-1-1-1-1-1 Push jerk.

Pretty darn fun, right?  Or did this end up somewhere on the fun/suck cycle?

Probably closer to the fun side.

4 replies
  1. Jackie
    Jackie says:

    This morning just before leaving for work, I glanced at my reflection in the picture window and acknowledged the most noticeable of the fashion faux pas that I would embark on my day with. My old-school puffy down jacket rises eight or more inches above my choice of top for the day and I’m sorry to say, that is not unusual. I can see my sister in my mind shaking her head and muttering, “Oh, Honey.” My desire for comfort and warmth coupled with a strong “f*** it” attitude once again prevail and I leave the house despite myself. I swing the door to the office open and my friend and co-worker greets me with one eyebrow up, she’s my sister’s Colorado stand-in. We occasionally entertain discussions about shoes, accessories, how make-up isn’t the devil and combing one’s hair more than once a day is acceptable practice. I’m a work in progress and at this rate I may be presentable at my own funeral. Before I can make it down the hall to my office I hear her say, ” Is that a pound of bacon in your purse?!” I look down at my handbag and see the one thing I managed to remember this morning jutting conspicuously out of the top. The picture window betrayed me. Ummm, “Yes, yes it is. What, I might need a snack!?!” Hmmm, maybe my timeline for being presentable is a bit optimistic. I’m better on non-rest days, more put-together at the office. My journey towards girly is slow, but I know I’ve found some women I have common ground with at the gym. And to those fine ladies I say, “C’mon, put your hands up!!” Oh yeah, I can’t lift my arms… never mind.

    My pecs are so sore that my boobs are cranky. A pound of bacon might actually make a soothing substitute for an ice-pack. Oh yeah, ahhh… snack anyone?

  2. Martha
    Martha says:

    Don’t forget the push jerks 1-1-1-1-1-1 AFTER however many pull ups we did in the 10 minutes (props to those who finished)!

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