Feeling A Little Chipper This Morning

The jet lag hasn’t quite hit me full on yet, so I was feeling a little chipper this morning.

And we did a chipper. Get it?

Man I am funny … or jet lagged. Not really sure anymore.

Let’s go with funny.

They're so awesome at DUs they're blurry!

They’re so awesome at DUs they’re blurry!

Warm Up:
5 Minute EMOM
5 Push Ups
5 Burpees
5 Jumping Squats

PVC Pass
Shoulder on bands
Pain ball shoulder
Cool guy
Forward bend
Calves on wall

60 Double Unders
50 Front Squats 75 lb./55 lb.
40 Weighted Sit Ups 25 lb./15 lb.
30 Push Press 75 lb./55 lb.
20 Box Jumps 24″/20″
10 Ring Dips
5 Stone to Shoulders 96 lb./72 lb.

Now that was some good fun. No, really. It was. It isn’t as bad as it looks (seriously, you can ask Jenny and Lindsay who were incredibly skeptical).

1 reply
  1. La Vonne Glanville
    La Vonne Glanville says:

    SOOOOOOOO glad that you are baaaaaaaak! Don’t know about the chipper thing… ??? I do appreciate your ability to make me laugh! (-:

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