A Great Day and an Announcement

A great and fun workout from the CrossFit Endurance site.  If you didn’t know, we are a CrossFit Endurance affiliate and we have access to additional endurance related information for your running and cycling programs as well as some product discounts.

We have a few new faces this month.  Make sure you introduce yourself and welcome our new team mates.  You were new once, too, and probably remember how intimidating it looks before you move around and figure it out a bit and meet the other folks.  Pretty cool group we have here.

Mobility: rollie ball on your hams and glutes.  Hurdler stretch.

Then, six rounds for time:

3 deadlift 315/200

6 box jumps 26″/30″

9 burpees

Awesome workout today.  With any extra time today, work on a skill…running drills?  Jump rope?  Rowing?  Kipping?  Take the opportunity to be better today than yesterday.

ANNOUNCEMENT:  If you want to do the CrossFit Games Open workout 1 again, we will be running it for those interested, Friday at the 5:30 class.  Same workout and same conditions.  Think you can do better?  Quit talking about it and show your stuff.  Haven’t done it yet and want a crack at it?  Show up and give it a go.  Let us know and we can plan for it.

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