Grace and Beauty

Olympic lifting skill day.

Mobility: sit in squat on the wall, back on the floor, rollie ball on your shoulders.

Snatch: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Sotts press: 3-3-3-3

Take today to work on the details of your snatch from starting position to landing position and everything in between.  Focus on a few of them.  For example, are your hips getting all the way up?  Are you rapidly extending your hips and knees while driving your heels into the ground?  Are you brushing your waistband with the bar?  Are you locking out your arms at the same time your feet are landing?  So much to work on so many things to go wrong,  But, man, when it goes right it sure does feel and look good.

So, be patient and diligent and work on improving your form today.

If you are interested, we are having another run at the CF Games Open workout 11.1 from last week at 5:30 in addition to the regular workout.  Get some if you want.  We are here for you.

And finally, don’t forget, the Parkour workshop is at CrossFit Telluride tomorrow beginning at 9:00.  We are carpooling over so let us know if you want to share a ride.

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