Benches and Snatches

We’ve had a very challenging start to training this week with some tough WODs on Sunday and Monday. Mercifully, today was a bit easier … but not easy mind you!

Bench Press
6x 10 @ 40% of 1RM

Snatch Drills
Before getting into the snatch lifts, spend time getting into the right power position and exploding your hips to generate the power of the lift.

Snatch Fun
1 Hang (Squat) Snatch -> 1 High Hang (Squat) Snatch

Increase load as you go.

Please note that the hang to high hang count for the single repetition noted below (i.e., you do a hang snatch then a high hang snatch and that counts as 1).

While days like these at the box might be rare and may seem ‘easy’, know that the work we do on complex lifts like the snatch are crucial to our overall training. There are more Olympic Lifts in our future … work hard at them and they will reward you with riches and glory … or power and strength. I get them mixed up a lot.

Open Gym is on tomorrow (Wednesday, 4/24 at 11:30 AM) but, otherwise, enjoy your well earned rest day and we’ll see you all Thursday!