
It is deload week on the big lifts.  What does this mean?  Simply that we get a chance to move through the lifts and focus on perfecting our form at submaximal weights.  The benefit is focusing on the movement.

Stretch and roll this week to help enhance our athleticism.  Finding our best fit biomechanics will help move bigger weights more efficiently.  This translates to being performing more work in less time.  Sweeeeeeeeet!

Press, then deadlift:

5 @ 40% of 1 rm

5 @ 50% of 1 rm

5 @ 60% or 1 rm


5 x 20sec of ring support.  Can you squeeze your butt in this position?  If not, you are in the wrong position.

3 x 10 barbell row.

Summer is drawing to a close, so make sure you use the time you have before the snow hits the ground.

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