
Another benchmark to test ourselves.

Nancy.  Five rounds for time:

Run 400m

15 Overhead squats 95/65

And, we received our new toys!  That’s right, new toys.  And the kids got to try them out first.  They really liked our new sleds, and so will you.  Just like forward rolls, right Mel?!?

6 replies
  1. JDun
    JDun says:

    I really liked this one…..maybe next time I’ll actually put some weight on my bar… Thanks for another great workout!

  2. Ruth
    Ruth says:

    Hey! Thats what I was gonna say! I liked this one too. Physically not easy but mentally smooth sailing. I like running in between lifting.

  3. Faith
    Faith says:

    Ruth, people who use the words “running and “lifting” in the same sentence as the word “like”, are definately drinking the koolaid!

  4. Mix Nix
    Mix Nix says:

    Ooooh….You did a NANCY without me?! The ‘Boot Camp” I attended at 5:30 a.m. here in Kansas City was on a ‘cool’ day, so they said. I was wet from head to toe after the hour. Be thankful for our dry Colorado Paradise.

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