Filthy Fifty

“I puked in my mouth, and I pee’d myself.”

This was uttered during today’s workout.  Although it’s funny, what’s most important about this comment, is that this person DID NOT QUIT.  Nor did anyone else.  Killing the Coward Within.  That’s what we do here, everyday.

50 box jumps

50 jumping pull ups

50 KB swings

50 walking lunges

50 Knees to Elbows

50 push press

50 GHD back extensions

50 wall ball

50 burpees

50 double unders

Nice work today by all!filthy-fifty-007filthy-fifty-004filthy-fifty-018filthy-fifty-017

2 replies
  1. tammy
    tammy says:

    I wonder how many other people puked in their mouths and peed themselves today but didn’t say anything????

  2. tammy
    tammy says:

    Alan 27:29
    Tammy 32:44
    Sara C. 32:52
    Mike 32:58
    Chris 30:36
    Cory 28:13
    Don 43:27
    Faith 43:08
    Lisr 40:07
    perfect Squat 50:22
    Libby 45:00
    Joanie 39:10
    Audra 40:55
    Sara B 36:47
    Leo 43:00
    Sharon 43:20
    Brenda 41:50
    Laurie 42:30
    Pacie 30:54
    PornStar 42:20
    Ricky bobby 40:25
    Mitchell 33:45 (M)
    Pinky 42:01
    Jake 42:34
    Paul 57:30
    Darcie 34:48
    Katie 47:32
    SuzyQ 55:50

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