Friday fun

A moment about mobility.

We don’t list the mobility portion of the workout just so we run out of ink sooner in our pens. We use the mobility movements in order that we can work out any kinks or address any movment weaknesses. Say for example you have poor range of motion in your shoulders which limits your ability to do things overhead. How about a shoulder mobility every day? Say your feet hurt. How about the pain ball on your feet and lower legs until you get your flippers unglued and moving better. Just sayin’.

Make sure you take the time to become a better organized, better moving athlete. The mobility exercises can help.

And a word about yoga. Craig’s wife Maureen is a yoga instructor and can help you become fit after two yoga classes the same way she did with Craig. So if you are not feeling flexible, you are not feeling focused, give a yoga class or two a shot and see if it helps your mobility, breathing, and focus.

And on to the fun.

Seven rounds for time:
35 double unders
1 snatch

Your score is your total weight less the minutes it takes to complete the workout. Enjoy your 10 general physical skills required to complete this workout. Don’t know the 10 general physical skills? They are on the board above the workout…every day.

And tomorrow is Benchmark Saturday. Pick out a benchmark you haven’t done, or one you want to do again, and come out and join your teammates for some fun. 9am at the gym.

Get some, go again.