
Here it is for Saturday, 9am at the gym for the CrossFit Games Open wod 11.4.

AMRAP 10 minutes:

60 Bar facing burpees

30 Overhead squats 120/90

10 muscle ups

What’s a bar facing burpee?  Do a burpee and jump over the bar.  Simple.

So, what happens if you look at this and think, “I can’t do those overhead squats and I don’t have muscle ups.  I’m not going to show up because I can’t.”  REALLY?  REALLY?

Well, you can certainly do burpees, right?!?  And you may even get a few overhead squats.  So, what you’ll do is see the possibility of completing 60 burpees and trying some overhead squats, and embracing the possibility of doing something you’ve never done before…that’s what.

So, no excuses.  Saturday at 9 am, we will do the workout and do our best.  Besides, when we give our best, we sometimes achieve what was previously thought impossible.  Sign up at the gym and we’ll know how many to expect so we can determine how many heats we’ll have.  There will be some folks from Telluride joining us for the fun too.

Who knows (well we do)?  You may surprise yourself.