Gymnastic Playday

So, in our constantly varied, high intensity world, occasionally we wreck ourselves.  Thus, a complete change of course today.

Practice your gymnastic skills.  Get upside down, climb a rope, do forward and backward rolls, practice a muscle up, do a handstand, do a headstand…You get the idea.

Most humorous thing heard today?  “This is just like pole dancing!”  Really, we don’t make this stuff up.

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1 reply
  1. Ruth
    Ruth says:

    Ouch. I think I wreaked myself more today then I did on tuesday! My shoulders are saying why oh why did you want to row 2000m? And why oh why did you follow that up with handstands, cartwheels (the hamstrings also protest the cartwheels) and hanging from the rings. Good thing we have a hot springs around here!

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