It was only 34 degrees!

But the sun was out, so we played in the park. We will be watching the weather and making last minute calls to determine whether we meet at the Park, or at the gym for our Sunday play day. For now, we will still meet at 10 am at the Park until the weather has finally run us inside. Once the weather changes for the season, we will move to the gym at 9 am. Until then, we’ll see you at the Park…or maybe the gym…at 10 am.

Run 200
30 squats
Run 200
20 thrusters 52/35
Run 200
30 push ups
Run 200
30 kb snatch 52/35
10 stones from ground to shoulder
Run 400

We are getting better at moving the stones but we still have work to do on this new and fun odd object. If you haven’t had a chance to move these yet, stay after class and give it a whirl. Remember to try new things.

On the main website today is the following link to an article in the New Yorker Magazine. In typical New Yorker style, the article is long, however, the information is spot on. It relates how we all can use some coaching as athletes and professionals. Even the best among us get better when we have a helpful eye looking for minor flaws and imperfections in our form and style. There are many great athletes, especially in area’s like ours, who will be great athletes all on their own without the help of others. It is the most humble who are able to set aside our ego and always look for improvement and crave correction advice who rise above.

We will continue to learn and improve our methods and technique and get the best equipment to implement those methods. We will continue to seek knowledge from the best coaches out there in order that we can be better at what we give you every day you show up.

We know we don’t know everything, but we seek to be better every day. When we stop seeking improvement at coaching technique and programming methods, we will have let you down. It is our mission to provide you with the best facility and coaching in the world. If you are willing to learn and be better, we are willing to help you on this journey. Our facility is not for everyone…only those who want to be their best.