Labor Day

Hope you all get out and have a bit of fun today.  A few aspens are turning yellow up near Ironton.  If you didn’t get out this weekend, you better make it fast as it appears the season will be changing soon.

This week, we get our 5:30 class back.  Here is our schedule:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.  Classes at 6 am, 8:15 am, and 5:30 pm.  Sunday is still at the park at 10 am.

Kids Classes are Monday and Wednesday from 4:30 until 5:15.

Stay on the lookout for some extra skill classes we will have during the months ahead.  Our focus will be honing our skills on the Olympic lifts, and look for a fieldtrip to Telluride for some gymnastic play with all the equipment (and so little Teresa can run smack about how you should quit being afraid to let go of something, so” man up and do it right.” Geez!).

A new season is upon us.  Have you done any goal setting?  Got something you want as it relates to your fitness goals or a specific lift?  Mel wants a 300 pound deadlift.  Have you given this any thought?

2 replies
  1. mel
    mel says:

    …and 15 body weight OH squats and 50 pull-ups and 15 muscle ups and a sub 4 minute Fran and 450+ Fight Gone Bad and sub 50 Murph and… the list just keeps on growing. Nothing is worth doing if you are not going to do it well. I liked this one from Coach Galssman, “Don’t make my eyes get used to your sh%##y movement.” It was a great motivator to do things as right at you are able each and every time you do it. It’s the only was to live with no regrets.

  2. mel
    mel says:

    …and 15 body weight OH squats and 50 pull-ups and 15 muscle ups and a sub 4 minute Fran and 450+ Fight Gone Bad and sub 50 Murph and… the list just keeps on growing. Nothing is worth doing if you are not going to do it well. I liked this one from Coach Glassman, “Don’t make my eyes get used to your sh%##y movement.” It was a great motivator to do things as right at you are able each and every time you do it. It’s the only was to live with no regrets.

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