Let the work continue…

More new faces today and more fun.

It’s time to work on our squat today.  Take the time to get warmed up under the bar and use every rep to get in touch with, and make your posterior chain the main driver of this most important movement.  The squat and the deadlift are foundational moves that look, to the untrained, like very simple movement.  Don’t underestimate how valuable it is to have a good…great, squat.

Back squat at 50 to 60 % of your one rep max



500 double unders

Also note our monthly challenge: 1,000 double unders.  Parker knocked down this challenge on the first day.  Great work, Parker.  Today several more took up and met the challenge leaving the question, “who is next?”  Several more met the challenge today and it is rumored that not only did a few hit 1,000 double unders, but surpassed it and completed 1,500 double unders.  Was it you?  How is your double under form?  Did you remain solid through the midline?  Did you focus?  Practice, practice, practice.  Who is next?

For those focused on getting stronger and doing the work necessary to get there, our powerlifting class begins Thursday at 5 am.  If you have questions or are unsure about the class, just ask us and we’ll respond to either encourage you or help you resolve your fears about either getting up so early in the morning, or whether or not you can handle the workload.

Next Monday at 5:30 we begin our Olympic lifting class.  Get some of this class too if you want the time to learn better form so you can improve these dynamic lifts and add something else to your arsenal of exercises.  The snatch and the clean and jerk are complicated lifts, for sure, and they don’t get better by wishing they would get better.  We have time during our regular classes to drill the skills required to get better but this class is dedicated to improving the lifts and adding exercises to improve the lifts.  Let us know if you want to participate in the fun.