Mid week fun

Mobility: pec and neck stretch, rollie ball on feet.

Four times for time:

12 wall ball 12/20

10 push ups

8 clean 95/135

6 chest to bar pull ups

Then finish with two rope climbs.  AWESOME!

Let us know if you want to go with us Saturday to Telluride for the Parkour workshop.  They need to reasonable idea how many of us will be playing, so sign up on the board if you are interested.

Last night we had our last running class and it seems everyone better understands the Pose method of running.  Keep practicing and this will become your default method of moving across the ground using gravity to your advantage and becoming more efficient.  We will have a running class beginning in April that will be outside.  This next class will incorporate the skills and drills we are already practicing and we will also do a running specific workout during our time together.  Watch for additional details in the coming days.  Thanks to all who attended and we look forward to helping you have running be one more skill you practice so you can be a better organized athlete.