MN update from Mel

This is a rest day musing from Mel’s adventures in Minnesota and nursing school.  We miss her already.

We asked if we could share her experiences with the group and she heartily agreed.

So……enjoy the story.  Thanks, Mel.  Hurry home.

"So, after one week I am still alive.  I had a flat tire on my bike
three blocks from the car on the first morning of class.  I now know
that it takes 22 minutes to walk from my parking space (riding only
takes five...).  At least I have that first "late day" out of the
way!  I bought my fitness pass a few days ago so I can use "the weight
room".  I asked the student worker for a tour and she was taken
aback.  When I questioned if it wasn't her job to do tours she smiled
and just commented on the fact that it was 3 pm and I was the first one
of the day that wanted a tour.  I was mostly curious of what this
"fitness expert" was going to tell me.  She asked if I was faculty
here...I suppose I was old enough to be her mother.  I know, it's
starting already.  It's all relative of what you surround yourself
with.  Here on campus I'm an old dog.  I asked her if they had a
pullup bar, kettle bell, plyo box, abmat, row machine, racks and
medicine balls.  They have one pullup bar and one ancient rowing
machine.  The guy behind the desk did tell me that they have one plyo
box that they keep behind the desk, and I would have to ask to use it
each time and that it was "really high.”  So, I asked him if I could
use it.  It's a 24" box.  He then proceeded to pepper me with endless
questions about CrossFit.  My quick workout stop was turning into an
extended education secession.  I had to go into the bowels of the
building to find the kettle bell "instructor" to get special
permission to check out a bell each time I want to use one, carry it
up to "the weight room" and then be gawked at by all the guys pumping
iron.  Good thing I don't care about such things.  I think I can make
it work when I'm stuck on campus on long days.  In the mean time I
have begun to set up my own "house of pain" (as my sister now calls
it) in the garage.  Looks like I'll have just about everything I need
within two weeks (seems like an eternity).  I have already discovered
that sitting for long periods in a lecture does not suit me.
Cheers, Mel
p.s. Things I learned today:
The muscular jolt people have just before falling asleep is caused by
the cerebellum checking for proprioception (just in case you are so
tired from studying while in nursing school that you are falling
asleep while standing).
Also, if you park within 20 feet of a sidewalk, even if there are no
signs or other indicators, it will cost you 20 bucks.  Writing
expletives on the check will not change the fact that you have to pay
the fine but it will make you feel better.  It will also enable you to
do more pull ups in a row than you previously thought possible.  I got
to thinking if I was just pissed off just before each time I worked
out maybe I would P.R. more.  Then I thought I don't get pissed off
that often so my plan to scoop Kristen Clever in the next worked was
1 reply
  1. Ruth
    Ruth says:

    Oh my goodness Mel. What a first week. I get ya though on trying to use a ‘regular’ gym. TONS of machines and not much ‘stuff’ for crossfitting. Oh well. Hope the next week goes a little smoother!

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