Monday PR’s

“Every man is free to rise as far as he’s able or willing, but the degree to which he thinks determines the degree to which he’ll rise”
-Ayn Rand

Two times for warm up
50 single jump rope
10 push ups
10 sit ups
15 squats

Shoulders on the bands
Adductor sit on the wall

One rep max weighted pull up

Then: four times for time:
10 pull ups
10 ball slams 12/20
10 sit ups
20 double unders

And guess who got their first unassisted pull up today? Lavonne did. That’s right, all of that hard work has paid off in the form of pull ups this time. Way to persevere Lavonne. You are one tough chick and we are lucky to have you with us.

For those of you who don’t know, Lavonne’s son is on a SEAL team in the navy and serving our country. Fortunately he is not one of the men who died this week when the helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan. However, keep him in your thoughts.

We are proud of you LaVonne and proud to have seen your accomplishments over these past three years. Keep up the hard work. We know you will.

3 replies
  1. La Vonne
    La Vonne says:

    Thanks, Alan. It is because of your’s and Faith’s commitment to helping me do my best! I’ll keep on keeping on. It is the only way!! (-:

  2. La Vonne
    La Vonne says:

    Thanks, Alan. It is because of yours and Faith’s commitment to helping me do my best! I’ll keep on keeping on. It is the only way!! (-:

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